We curate exhibitions for organizations, companies and individuals utilizing either extant collections or loaned works. We oversee every stage of the exhibition process from conception to production, risk management, installation and strategic event planning.
Art Viceroy Miami (2009)
Art Viceroy was an independently curated Special Exhibition, set within the elegant Viceroy Miami Hotel. Art Viceroy featured over 40 bold aesthetic statements which reflected cutting edge artistic and curatorial practices. Each room of the 19th floor featured a solo artist’s installation, formulated around the unique context, architecture and sociological space of the Viceroy. Art Viceroy was not an art fair and thus allowed the viewers to experience each art installation in an intimate setting and at their own leisure.
Art Viceroy Miami included the work of KiptonART artist Shay Kun.
The special exhibit was curated by lead curator Renee Vara, as well as Ethan Cohen, Adriana Farietta, Florence Lynch, Rupert Ravens, Benjamin Tischer + Risa Needleman, Todd Rosenbaum.
Independent Curators International & VARA ART: INPUT #5 (Art & Crisis)- Book & Panel Discussion (2013)
"Waterways," Venice Biennale (2005)
The “Waterways” project was a public collective action—a nostalgic and utopian intervention that literally functioned as a social sculpture, and which cut the physical space of the Venetian landscape by moving through the canals. The installation site was that of a public vaporetto (ferry) that typically provides free public transport to Venetians. We installed a 48-hour show on one of the boats, which operated on the Numero 1 Linea, running between the Arsanale (the main entrance to the Venice Biennale) and the Piazza San Marco (the main square in the city center). It was performed during the opening weekend of the biennale, and it ended up becoming a global collaboration of over 35 artists, collectors, curators, museums, scholars and sponsors.
"Two Continents and Beyond: Waterways," 9th Istanbul Biennale (2005)
Lead Curators & Producers: Renée Vara and Asli Sumer
Curatorial Advisors: Ethan Cohen, Paul Middendorf and Mary Mattingly
Artists: Nicole Amore, Theo Angell, Art Hijack, John Breiner, Donna Clovis, Orly Cogan, Aaron Day, Christoph Draeger, David Eckard, Tamar Hirschl, Ryan Jeffery, Erin Letterman, Michelle Livsey, Miranda Lloyd, Eva Mantell, Mary Mattingly, Jason Middlebrook, Zhu Ming, Naoto Nakagawa, Lindsey Nobel, Dina Noto, Agata Oleksiak, Rune Olsen, Jim Peters, Paige Saez, Avelino Sala, Lisa Schilling, Dana Shea, Raphaele Shirley, Shinique Smith, Stephanie Snyder, Amy Steel, Vicky Tomayko, Lauren Was, Jeannie Weissglass and Bernard Williams
Two Continents and Beyond: Waterways, was the second statement in a series of interventions. Recontextualized around the specific concerns of Turkey, the show repeated guerilla practices on the Bosphorus and investigated the iconic role of the Vapur (the local public ferries) as the nexus of the politics surrounding trade, commerce and environmental resources.
The collaborative project consisted of over 30 artists and 7 curators that initiated a critical dialogue regarding the relationship between the environment, natural resources and its role in systems of transportation.